A Member of the “SonShine Mission Team 2017” Shares her Experience
Closer to God
I am privileged and blessed to have gone and visited The Light Christian Academy twice now. Each time I have gone, I have gained new experiences. This year being able to go back was such a blessing. I got to see the kids, my friends, from last year, and make new ones too. They impacted my spiritual life so much there are no words to explain how grateful I am. The kids are so loving, passionate about Christ, and are so intelligent, they are God’s beautiful children. While in the Philippines on our mission trip, I had many opportunities to get out side of my comfort zone. My comfort zone entitles the following: unpreparedness, unorganized, socializing, leadership, and public speaking…
The mission trip evolved me being placed in all of these situations. The theme of our mission trip was the armor of God, this is what we based our morning and night assemblies on at the school, and with the community. One really stood out to me, it was the “Shield of Faith.” On the Mission Trip, when things seemed to be going wrong, and I was scrambling to find peace in the chaos, I was taught the definition of faith. Yes, I know the dictionary says; Faith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof. But I actually learned the feeling of faith. Where you surrender all your worries to God, and lift him up. I said to God, “Lord how can I lead people when I’m afraid, I’m not as good as leader as I need to be for you, I need your help.” I knew He would help me, I had no proof, I just fully believed in the power of God. He is greater than all of my problems…
The Holy Spirit came over me on this trip! I honestly have never been the same. God gave me the skills and confidence I needed to grow as a leader on the trip, and I am forever grateful. The kids showed us love and compassion and gave us the greatest gift anyone can receive…That gift was Love. A greater love that endures through every circumstance.. I am eternally grateful to God for this experience, and for the best friends I have made across the globe. One thing is for sure, the mission is not finished until God comes.
So, I have learned, God’s work needs to be done in the fact of loving others, and bring God’s word to others. Being a positive influence on people can change their outlook on life. This is in the hopes that someone can be spiritually impacted, and drawn closer to Christ by what we do. I am a servant, and a child of God, and I have a duty to do. This Mission Trip showed me that.
By Ariana Nickless